Community Guidelines

The Postdoc Portal is designed to create an environment where graduate students, postdocs, and research groups can create connections over shared research interests. All members of the community share the responsibility of creating a safe, authentic environment by adhering to the Community Guidelines. Use of the Portal indicates consent to follow the Guidelines.

We expect:

  • users to represent themselves and their work truthfully. All work shared should be your own. 
  • community members to behave with decorum and treat all members of the portal community with respect. No member will harass, abuse, or stalk any other member of the Portal community within or outside the Portal. 
  • all copyright and intellectual property rights to be respected.
  • all material uploaded to be appropriate for an academic environment. 

This Postdoc Portal is an environment in which all members can share themselves and their research openly and honestly. Hate speech, bigotry and discrimination will not be tolerated. All newly created profiles are subject to moderation by site administrators. Any material or members determined to violate any of the expectations above will be addressed promptly. Offensive material will be removed. Members found to violate these community guidelines will be warned, ejected and/or banned at the discretion of site administrators. All community members are encouraged to report any harassment or offensive materials found on the Portal.

Use of data

A privacy policy is available here for any community member to review. All information obtained from the Portal may only be used by other members of the Portal community and may not be shared with third-parties without prior consent. Contact information should only be used with the intent to network and build academic connections. Harvesting data contained within the Portal for research purposes without consent of members and written permission from website administrators is prohibited.

Website administrators and team members have access to all data shared on the Portal. Information about Portal users may be reported to funding agencies. This material will only ever be shared in aggregate (using the rule of 5 – a class must contain at least 5 individuals to be reported) and will never be personally identifiable. 

Accessibility Statement

We are committed to providing an online environment that is accessible to all. If you cannot access or use features of this site due to a disability, please contact for assistance.

Questions and concerns about these guidelines should be directed to
